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  • Hows does the PDF download work?
    After purchase, you will receive a download link to your PDF Coloring Book in the thank you page of the checkout, along with an emailed link that will last for 30 days. You can open the PDF with any of the main browsers: Brave, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc. (right click PDF in wIndows - then choose open with... your browser of choice) In your print/printer options, you can then choose to print the whole book, a selection of pages or the individual Illustrations/pages you want to print.
  • What program / software do I use to open and print from my coloring PDF?
    If you have Adobe Acrobat, you can use that to open PDF's If not then You can use any of these interent browsers (we have recently tested these) Microsoft Edge Chrome Firefox Brave If your using Windows, right click on the PDF file you have downloaded and choose open with... any of the below Microsoft Edge Chrome Firefox Brave Once the PDF is open in your browser of choice, there is usually a section to the Left which show which page you are on. if not look for the three horizontal lines (usually indicateing a menu on the left) click that and then choose your viewing option for the page selection. Printing option is usually top right.
  • What do I do if my PDF does not open, or my download link does not work?
    If your PDF does not work. Do not stress, sometimes a drop in connection between servers can corrupt a digital file in transit, Its not a problem. All you need to do is contact us, via our contact form, please let us know the email address and date, if known, when you purchased your PDF and we confirm and then we will send you another.
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